How can I give?
Giving to IEC
IEC has been serving the international population of the capital region for more than four decades. This would not have been possible without the generous giving of people like you! While subsidies from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland and other sources help us cover some of the expenses, the majority of our resources come from individuals.
How does IEC uphold financial accountability?
The International Evangelical Church in Finland is committed to honoring God’s provision by exercising wise and faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability to ensure the financial integrity of the IEC remains above reproach.
We accomplish this through a system of internal controls and an internal budgeting and reporting process to the church council by the treasurer.
An annual audit is performed by an independent certified auditor in accordance with Finnish Law.
A separate auditor audits the decisions and procedures of the church council.
Should you request a copy of the IEC’s most recently audited financial statements, contact Willem Hickey at
willem (at) church.fi​